
Hi, guys!

I hope everyone is well. I know it has been some time since I last posted for you guys. Honestly, it is really the effort and persistence and patience that is required to do something organic and of your own from scratch. I am only human so some time back I did give in to the vices, but here I am now!

Excited to share our AD POST OF THE WEEK. This was by Pizza Hut Middle East. They had marketed these massive leaflets with Khaleej Times newspaper.

I am not very sure if you can see how massive the leaflet is in the photograph above. The reason it deserves a mention on our blog is that it’s unique and quirky. It is eye-catchy and stands out. So it excites the reader’s curiosity as to what is this leaflet about. The image of the pizza is almost life-size, like for 6-8 persons.

It really gets the reader tempted as it looks so real like you are about to eat a hot cheesy slice right now! At that moment, the reader has only 1 thought in their mind, it’s Pizza Hut Time!

It is a creative yet simple tactic, but it is effective. The image itself looks so tempting, the reader is bound to place an order at Pizza Hut, to enjoy a slice and share a fun moment with their loved ones/work colleagues.

Simple brand strategy to connect with their customers and create more memories with Pizza Hut. All the important details are given such as the brand name, where to order, other dishes to add on to the meal etc.

After all, it is Pizza Hut, a place where families have been coming to celebrate for years, creating memories and happiness. It is a credible and trusted family brand serving fine quality pizzas and more.

Another way they could use the leaflet would be instead of keeping half the pizza image open to the reader, completely conceal the image in the leaflet. Once you open the leaflet, it unfolds itself, like a plate of pizza being magically created in front of you, similar to children’s storybooks; characters and surroundings open up when you open the book and fold when you close the book.

This was one of the ideas I had.You are most welcome to share your ideas and your creativity 🙂  Also, don’t forget to Share your love ❤ 🙂



Hey you. The awesome one. Yes, YOU!

How you doin 😀

Yes, I know it’s been some time since I posted an interesting review of an interesting advertisement. As you may already experience this yourself, there is a LOT of trash out there, when it comes to advertisements.

Finding simple, impactful, straight-forward Ads, that create meaning is a rare find. That is why after searching for a long time, I present to you, our first Ad post of the year. WOOHOO!

Or do I say AHA!( You know like the big idea moment) 😉

This was a newspaper print Ad. It was published in Khaleej Times newspaper, in the Nation’s section on the top left hand corner.

While skimming through I didn’t quite understand, what it meant. Then as everything else in the world, a closer look and I got the answers. Picture is totally worth a gazillion words in this matter.

Single most persuasive idea: Get yourself to McCafe, we got WiFi and freshly brewed coffee.

Now,who doesn’t love the sound of that?

Key messages could be: ‘good quality coffee now being served by your favourite family brand’. ‘Swipe on your day to a quick and delicious start.’ ‘Being an adult is hard, but we got you covered.’ or even ‘Mmmmornings with McCafe, I’m lovin it.’

I get the objective could be to create more awareness about the coffee that McCafe serves.  I love how simplistic and to the point it is.

The green swipe suggesting an app being switched on, on the smart phone.

The color green really stands out. The color stands for growth, life, energy, nature etc. In context to this Ad, it could mean, replenishing your energy with freshly brewed coffee. Awakening growth in you.

Green also subconsciously persuades you, that you are making the correct decision, in comparison to a red suggesting danger or stop. The placement of the coffee cup also emphasizes those persuasive ideas.

The brand logo at the bottom corner, tells you everything that you need to know in order for you to make the next purchase. McCafe is by Mcdonalds. An established and well-loved brand by families for generations, that makes it easy for the audience to believe in this Ad and this new product.

So guys, this is what I think about this Ad. Share your ideas would love to know if you agree with me or even disagree ( Yes, I am open to disagreements too-they lead to newer perspectives)

Share your creativity. Share your love.

🙂 ❤