
Hey you. The awesome one. Yes, YOU!

How you doin 😀

Yes, I know it’s been some time since I posted an interesting review of an interesting advertisement. As you may already experience this yourself, there is a LOT of trash out there, when it comes to advertisements.

Finding simple, impactful, straight-forward Ads, that create meaning is a rare find. That is why after searching for a long time, I present to you, our first Ad post of the year. WOOHOO!

Or do I say AHA!( You know like the big idea moment) 😉

This was a newspaper print Ad. It was published in Khaleej Times newspaper, in the Nation’s section on the top left hand corner.

While skimming through I didn’t quite understand, what it meant. Then as everything else in the world, a closer look and I got the answers. Picture is totally worth a gazillion words in this matter.

Single most persuasive idea: Get yourself to McCafe, we got WiFi and freshly brewed coffee.

Now,who doesn’t love the sound of that?

Key messages could be: ‘good quality coffee now being served by your favourite family brand’. ‘Swipe on your day to a quick and delicious start.’ ‘Being an adult is hard, but we got you covered.’ or even ‘Mmmmornings with McCafe, I’m lovin it.’

I get the objective could be to create more awareness about the coffee that McCafe serves.  I love how simplistic and to the point it is.

The green swipe suggesting an app being switched on, on the smart phone.

The color green really stands out. The color stands for growth, life, energy, nature etc. In context to this Ad, it could mean, replenishing your energy with freshly brewed coffee. Awakening growth in you.

Green also subconsciously persuades you, that you are making the correct decision, in comparison to a red suggesting danger or stop. The placement of the coffee cup also emphasizes those persuasive ideas.

The brand logo at the bottom corner, tells you everything that you need to know in order for you to make the next purchase. McCafe is by Mcdonalds. An established and well-loved brand by families for generations, that makes it easy for the audience to believe in this Ad and this new product.

So guys, this is what I think about this Ad. Share your ideas would love to know if you agree with me or even disagree ( Yes, I am open to disagreements too-they lead to newer perspectives)

Share your creativity. Share your love.

🙂 ❤




TVC 1-Above link:

TVC 2-Below link:

cadbury 2

Hello world! Hope everyone is having a grand Monday.

So here I bring to you, yet another advertising post of the week. This is the Television Commercial(TVC) for Cadbury Dairy Milk India. The campaign was called ‘Badhti Dosti Ke Naam, Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye’, basically meaning lets eat something sweet to celebrate the new friendship.

The commercial was broadcast at prime time, between popular TV shows, just when the whole family is sitting together.Cadbury Dairy Milk has always incorporated a beautiful story line to their advertisements. This particular one too, has 2 parts to it.

TVC 1– The story line involves a woman in her early 30’s standing in her balcony,enjoying the wedding happening in her neighborhood while eating a Cadbury chocolate. She feels at ease just before her mother-in-law enters the balcony. She gets conscious and changes her posture and wraps her sari up until her shoulder, to show her mother-in-law respect.

The awkwardness and the boundaries in the relationship are highlighted.When the daughter-in-law timidly offers a piece of the chocolate to the mother-in-law, she takes it and enjoys a bite of it. They look at each other and have a moment and smile at each other.

This leads to both of them dancing their saris’ off at the wedding happening under their building.They end up being the star performers at the wedding.The TVC ends with both of them leaving the wedding, like best friends/partners in crime ,being freed from their inhibitions and controls.

TVC 2– The story line of this one continues from its predecessor.It’s new years eve, the Cadbury Dairy Milk bar is shared with the family by the daughter-in-law. By the time she serves the chocolate to the mother-in-law, the chocolate bar is over.Right at the time of new years, the mother-in-law brings out another bar and they both wish each other and share a light moment dancing with each other in front of the whole family.

With the last scene being Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Home Treats and New Years greetings with the tagline, ‘kuch meetha ho jaye’, meaning lets have something sweet.

The reason I love this campaign is because Cadbury has taken a fresh new approach to the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship. In a country, where daily soaps/TV shows are famous to show fights between the evil mother-in-law and the dewy eyed, innocent daughter-in-law, this AD is as refreshing as a freshly squeezed chilled orange juice on a hot summer’s day.

Being an Indian woman, I have always been exposed to the idea that the mother-in-law is the ‘be all and end all’ to a relationship. There has always been a sense of negativity and awkwardness with that term.

To-be brides are always taught that you need to be extra nice to your mother-in-law and that you need to be at your best behavior when she is around,that includes respectful clothes, language (in this advert ,the daughter-in-law calls her ‘Mummyji’) I.e. just like a student in front of a principal.

I like Cadburys’ subtle rebelliousness in its key promise that it doesn’t have to be like this, in fact they can be the best of friends. Its the new approach to old relationships, to be filled with love and sweetness instead of fear and control.

The idea of the relationship to be based on friendship and support. It leaves the ad on a positive note to newer beginnings, possibilities and hope, which are great emotional reasons to believe in the ad, product, company and idea.

This ad focuses on the masses in India, the ‘middle class’.It intends to capture the hearts with a simple yet powerful concept.The product,the classic Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate has been showed in the TVC’s as being the essential reason to join the bonds between the characters, suggesting it is ‘the brand of chocolate for families’.

So when you go to the supermarket and you see a Cadbury bar on the aisle, instantly you have positive feelings towards the brand as it defines love, family, values, relationships and hope, which increases the customer loyalty towards the brand,much more valuable than a single purchase.

The second commercial is  reinforcing the ideas brought about by the first one. We are familiar with the characters, they are just like us, simple realistic ordinary people.So when we see them, we see a part of us in them, we attach emotions to them as they represent many of us.So if they can break traditions and live in a new way, why cant we ?

Please feel free to share your ideas, creativity is best when shared. Instead of having a sweet ending, here’s to sweet beginnings.

Share your love.




Hello world!


I have always been curious and excited about advertising, so much that I went forward and completed my Diploma in it.

I love analyzing advertisements. may they be print, TV or radio or any other Below the Line form. If there is a profession where you get to analyze adverts of any category, I would love to be a part of it.

Analyzing in terms of who the target audience might be for this particular advert, whether it is engaging/interactive. The impact or the curiosity it generates to the viewer of that ad, regardless of whether they are the target audience or not. The simplicity of the idea or the clarity of the message, is what really intrigues me.

The ads that have made me look twice, flip the page or have had my attention for more than 10 seconds, are the ones that I would mention here.

If there are any suggestions or maybe you might have a different perception to that ad, please do share. I would be happy to know.

